Business cards? What are those? That's how I felt when people asked me for one and I looked like a deer in the headlights since 1. I didn't have any because 2. who the heck would want my business card. To my surprise, opportunities came to to where I needed some card swag and was empty handed. Like, I'm writing down my info on a Post-It. In Neiman Marcus. That's professional.
With that being said, I was convinced to get on this. I really wanted letterpress, but thought for the first time maybe not. Let's just see how this round goes and maybe I'll make the investment next time around. I wanted a design that was simple and clean but also incorporated my brand. I love how they turned out. I can't take credit for these though, my husband actually designed these. He is pretty stinkin' good in my opinion. I printed them from and couldn't be happier. I went with their luxe paper, sounds fancy right? It is. They are like letterpress just a little more affordable. They turned out awesome. Black outer lining and super thick. These bad boys should do the trick for now! ...
Coffee Table Inspiration
Adding Some Color
Blue Ikat Pillow Cover // Koko Pink and Orange Pillow // Indigo Ikat Print // Fabricadabra Pink Pillow // Jonathan Adler Bargellow Pillow // Fuchsia Ikat Silk Pillow // Gray Ikat Pillow Cover // David Hicks La Fiorentina // Batavia Citrene Pillow Austin and I have been debating on giving our little abode a face lift. Since we've discussed different options I have not stopped looking for inspiration. I have found that while I like a more clean and modern ...
Snail Mail
I love sending and receiving mail. While it can be perceived as "old fashioned" there's something about a personal note that makes my heart happy...especially when its on pretty paper. In Hause Press might be my favorite shop on ETSY for paper goods This San Francisco company has a modern edge that I love. Whether you go with stationary, calling cards, or invitations, these letter pressed lovlies will sweep you off your feet.
all images via In Hause Press
Writing it down…
Happy 2013! With the start of the new year, I can't help but think of new planners...calendars...and anything I can use to help me try to stay organized. I kind of have an obsession with planners and calendars (if you didn't know...I like to plan). My husband really wants me to stick with the calendar on my iPhone because you can sync it up with the but there is something about writing it down that I can't let go of! Am I crazy?! Yea, it may seem a little "old fashion" to have a calendar plastered on the wall or a daybook shoved in your tote bag, but I think of it as an extra accessory to express your stylish side! With that being said, here are some of my favorites...enjoy!!
Wrapping Inspiration
As Christmas is quickly approaching, I am reminded that I have yet to wrap all the gifts under our tree. I guess I just needed a little inspiration. Sometimes just shopping for gifts can be a monumental task, much less wrapping them attractively.As I perused through some of my usual blog reads and of course pinterest, I found that just plain brown paper with some simple techniques, is going to be my "go to look" for gift wrapping this season. I love the nostalgic look it gives under the tree. Here are some of my favorites I've come across...Enjoy!!
images via 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
Fall Tablescape
So how do you celebrate Thanksgiving?Do you have an intimate dinner with family or a big shindig with friends? Either way, it's always more fun to gather around a table that is festively adorned.No need to go overboard, sometimes it's just the details that make the table. With the help from my friends at Pottery Barn, Target, and Berken & Co. my table is ready for Thanksgiving. Happy Decortaing!xo-ashley ...
No Tricks, Just Treats…
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
Costumes, Candy & Pumpkins?! What's not to love.
My parents decided to host a party this weekend and asked my husband and I to help out.
I was excited considering I love any excuse to dress up and eat candy.
However, is it was a party for my 13 year old brother and all his friends.
So here we are spending our night with 30 sixth and seventh graders.
Oh to be so cool like us, right?
It actually turned out to be pretty fun.
Here are a few of my favorite tricks & treats.
Thanks for reading!
DIY: Gold Skull
In the spirit of October, here is a little Halloween DIY for those who dare.
I was pretty excited when I scored this orange glitter skull in the Target dollar section. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with him. My husband, however, was a little taken back by this purchase...but in the spirit of Halloween he agreed that our home could use a little festivity. All I needed was a small bottle of gold spray paint.
You could totally do "metallic" for a more intense shine.
As this was my first go at this, I went for something a little less dramatic.
Thanks for reading!
A Story in a Home
It's that time of year where I start pulling out my seasonal decor. Ahh, I can smell all the pumpkin and autumn candles burning. My favorite.
While pre-planning where I am going to incorporate Fall, I couldn't help but notice some of the little things around our home that hold such fond memories.
Its the simple things like a new letter in place of an old one, because you get a new last name...
a display of wine corks from bottles served at your wedding...or a goodwill coffee table your husband sanded and stained in 102 degree weather. (yeah, he's pretty awesome)
These are the things I live for...they tell our story.