I don’t know about you, but my makeup drawer was in need of a little spring cleaning. While our new bathroom does have more counter and drawer space, I desperately needed a better system for keeping my products organized and clutter free!
Let me introduce you to my GLAMluxe Makeup Organizer, aka the best thing ever! This was the perfect solution to hold my makeup and skin care neatly.
This beauty organizer is perfect because each drawer is a different height. My eyeshadow pallet and bronzer kit can be bulky, so it was nice to find something that can hold different packaging. You may have also noticed the dividers in the bottom drawer. These are removable and can be used in any drawer. I like this because I can separate my smaller items like eyeshadows, eyeliner, and concealer.
I love my GLAMbox and they don’t want you to miss out on all the fun. GLAMbox is offering TTD readers 20% off with code diva. Have fun and tag me in your photos! I would love to see how you stay organized. Thanks for reading! xx
monogram necklace in size mini, color blonde marble
If you have questions about a color or product, please comment below and I will get back to you with an answer!

I’ve got to get my hands on one of these. My makeup bag and drawer is a mess! This looks so pretty!
Is there anyway you can post a picture of you wearing the monogram necklace? I’m thinking about getting that color and I would like to see how it looks on. Thanks!!