Happy Monday! How fun is that clutch and those arrow head earrings? Both on my list of wants. I hope you all had a great weekend. This past weekend was pretty successful for me and my husband. We had our very first garage sale with two very good friends. I was thrilled because we sold literally everything. All of our furniture… old clothes…knick knacks and in the process made a little cash money. It was so stinking exhausting, but so fun because we had great company! Now that we have no furniture, we have literally spent hours in IKEA and random furniture stores just lounging and testing out furniture. I’m starting to feel like we hang out there simply because we don’t have anywhere to sit in our own place. But after today that will change! We are finally starting this process with a nice fresh coat of paint.Nothing crazy, just going with a clean crisp (off) white. Once thats done we will start replenishing our apartment again with new furniture! Im practicing patience and self control through this process because I am so the type that just wants it done! Thank goodness for summer and extra free time for projects like this. Can’t wait for the end result!
Love that cute little pouch and the fabulous tote! Great picks girl.
Chelsea & The City
Cute picks! Love that tote<3
My husband and I could really stand to have a garage sale right about now. Thanks for motivating me 🙂