Happy Friday! I am so excited to share my new look with all of you! It has been in the process for a few months but in between redoing our apartment and vacations, it was just pushed to the back burner. However, after many hours and many redo’s…we finally got it down! I started by switching over to WordPress, something my husband told me to do from the getgo but I was so insistent on Blogger. Nothing wrong with Blogger at all, but I am very happy with WP. I am still learning the ropes but I am liking the “extras” and custom looks WordPress can offer. As far as the look, I wanted something clean and simple. Close to my old look, but more functional. I am so SO happy with the outcome. I hope you all can navigate easier and find what you are looking for! Also, I decided to jump on the Facebook (page) bandwagon so please go like my page for TTD updates & posts. Thank you all for your support!
Love your pictures and comments.
I love the new look! Elegant and Fun!
I love it, less is more for sure!
Love it! Looks great!