Business cards? What are those? That’s how I felt when people asked me for one and I looked like a deer in the headlights since 1. I didn’t have any because 2. who the heck would want my business card. To my surprise, opportunities came to to where I needed some card swag and was empty handed. Like, I’m writing down my info on a Post-It. In Neiman Marcus. That’s professional.
With that being said, I was convinced to get on this. I really wanted letterpress, but thought for the first time maybe not. Let’s just see how this round goes and maybe I’ll make the investment next time around. I wanted a design that was simple and clean but also incorporated my brand. I love how they turned out. I can’t take credit for these though, my husband actually designed these. He is pretty stinkin’ good in my opinion. I printed them from and couldn’t be happier. I went with their luxe paper, sounds fancy right? It is. They are like letterpress just a little more affordable. They turned out awesome. Black outer lining and super thick. These bad boys should do the trick for now!
Love them! Where did you have them printed? I need to have mine printed as well!
Thank you! 🙂
These look fantastic – I definitely need to get some business cards of my own!
Lovely! Great design, very chic. Congrats on your first business cards 🙂
Ashley, these are absolutely amazing!
These look great! How exciting!!!