Handbags are easily my favorite accessory. Though my collection consist of mostly neutral colors, I look for versatility and a classic style when debating a new purchase. Over the past year, I got several questions about buying both designer and budget-friendly handbags. And while I’ve shared some tips on here before, my most popular request was to do a handbag review over my favorite handbags for both luxury and value. Whether you choose to splurge or save, I always recommend doing your research before buying. From the perfect work tote to an everyday bag, here are a few of my favorites at all price points:
I have always loved Chloé handbags and accessories. They are feminine, yet classic pieces for any occasion. The Chloe Faye has been a surprising choice for me. I’m normally one who likes a satchel or tote, but this shoulder bag was a nice option. The Faye has been out for a few years now, but the unique shape and detail has always caught my attention.
From the looks of it, the bag seems small and thin. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find it holds much more than I thought. A lot more actually! As you can see there are three folds for your items plus an additional zipper pocket. I was able to get my iPhone 6S Plus, lipstick, backup battery and wallet in there with room to spare. I like that you can also tuck in the strap to make it an oversized clutch.
In terms of price, this is definitely a luxury bag. I actually went into Nordstrom several times to look at the bag, try it on etc. before pulling the trigger. After thinking it over, I ended up ordering it online for in-store pickup. My Nordstrom location makes this super easy with their curb-side service. They literally bring it to your car! If that doesn’t work for you, shipping is always free too. They always have the best selection of both designer and budget friendly options. Overall, I am really happy with my purchase. The leather is made extremely well and goes with just about anything in my closet.
Sole Society is one of my favorite brands for affordable bags and shoes. (They also make the best faux leather duffle bags). I picked up this faux leather tote (which also comes in black & navy) over the summer and it has been a great purchase as my work bag. I use this to carry my laptop, planner and notepad whenever I am working away from my office.
I love the shape and design. It’s a beautiful bag that looks more expensive than it actually is! Sometimes faux leather can be a miss because it starts peeling on the straps etc. but I have not had any issues with this.
Everyone needs a bag they can wear literally for any occasion. This is that bag for me! I’ve worn the Miss Vara Clutch in both formal and casual settings. This clutch is a win for me because the Saffiano leather is so easy to care for. I can wipe off any spill or denim stains with a damp cloth. However, I have several friends who have used a leather cleaner on their Saffiano bags. I have not tried that, but it might be worth researching!
Though this bag is small, I found that it holds my iPhone 6S Plus, lipstick and a card holder comfortably. The gold chain strap can also be tucked inside if you want to carry this as a clutch.
To be honest, I was not sure about this bag at first. Austin surprised me with this bag for my birthday last year and while it was a beautiful (and a thoughtful) gift, I didn’t know how I felt about the shoulder strap design. After all, when your investing in a handbag you want to make sure you will carry it year after year and on serval occasions. At least, that’s how I feel about handbags!
After carrying it a few times, I quickly came to love it. So much that, it’s one of my most carried bags. I don’t own many shoulder bags (this and the Faye) so it was nice to have a little variety. The gold chain straps are a fun detail and easily dress this bag up if you want to wear it to an event or a night out.
In terms of size, this bag actually holds quite a bit. I can easily get my camera, makeup bag, phone in here and still have room to spare. I love how the inside has two separate compartments and a large middle zipper making it easy to organize your things. If you love this bag, but want a cross-body strap or something smaller, Saint Laurent makes several similar styles.
Every girl should own this bag. The faux leather reversible tote is perfect for anyone who needs a basic black or brown tote for under $50. I took this bag with us when we traveled this year because it folds up easily in my suitcase (the bottom base comes out, making it ideal for travel) and it’s large enough to hold your carryon items or day-to-day necessities.
I’ve actually used this bag so much over the years, that I may need to buy another one. The leather on the straps is starting to peel, but nothing major or really noticeable. I’ve had several girls email me telling me how they use this bag for their classroom or to work. It’s truly a versatile bag for all at a price you can’t beat.
As always, feel free to comment below or email [theteacherdiva@gmail.com] me if you have any questions about the handbags or outfits featured!
I have a knock off version similar to the Chloe to see if I like it and to splurge or not! Glad to hear you like it!! I love my black/tan reversible tote like yours too. It’s my work tote! Totally agree that it’s a must have.
My eye is on the YSL bag though. I am dying for one! We will see. 🙂
Love your blog as always! Yours and Katey’s are the reason I ventured out to try my own.
– Sara
Hi Sara,
Thank you for your sweet words! Isn’t that tote a steal at $48? Have a great weekend! xx Ashley
I’ve had my Chloë bag for 5 years! It only got better with wear and it’s impeccably made. I also got mine for a great price when it was on sale at Bloomingdales!
xo, Sofia
Amazing! Love when I can find a designer piece on sale 🙂 xx Ashley
Handbags are one of my favorite things to splurge on as well .. thoroughly enjoyed your review of them + your saves!
How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com
Where is your blue blazer from!?
Hi Madeline! Here are the details from the original post: https://www.theteacherdiva.com/2016/02/coffee-run-2.html
Hope that helps! xx Ashley
Love them all!
Where did you get that green? Cardigan you showed with the beautiful Saint Lauren tote?
Here are the details from the original post: https://www.theteacherdiva.com/2016/08/olive-drape-front-jacket.html
I hope that helps! xx Ashley
Hi! I’m Carla, I’m an Italian fashion stylist!
I love your blog and your style…
I tagged you on my Facebook page!
Hi! Where did you get the last dress, the stripped one?
Hi Morgan! It is old from Topshop! xx AR
Thank you for sharing this amazing article with us. Chloe is my favourite bags brand. I really like to collect the collection of bags from this brand. I got some amazing bags and accessories from best online boutiques and they are of very good design pattern
For a fashion women, it is advisable to always draw people’s attention to your handbags and not other parts. Therefore, carrying your handbag as high as possible is a wise way to achieve that.