Happy Friday, everyone! Today, I am celebrating the big 3-0. I’m saying so long to my sweet 20’s and welcoming 30 with open arms. When Austin and I were planning today’s post, I wasn’t really sure which way I wanted to go. I thought about sharing a list of things I learned in my 20’s or my goals for my 30’s, but I thought this route would be more fun!
Let’s start with something easy…
- I was born in Monroe, Louisiana but only lived there for 1 year.
- After Louisiana, we moved to Orange County for 10 years.
- I met Austin because my computer crashed and he was the guy to fix it! [you can read more on that here]
- I started my blog as a hobby. The intent was for me to share photos from family trips, beauty reviews and classroom activities. Over the past 4 years it has definitely expanded into more categories. However, my number 1 request is product reviews and pictures of my old classroom!
- I have to eat breakfast everyday (usually before 8:00 am).
- My favorite meal is Chicken Tortilla Soup and chips + queso.
- I prefer Disneyland over Disneyworld. Are you surprised? See more from our trips here.
- Yes, I really was a teacher! I get this question every single day 🙂 I taught for 6 years and loved it. I hope one day I can work with young kids again in some capacity. You can read more about my transition out of the classroom here.
- I’m obsessed with French Bulldogs. Austin surprised me with Lucy last Memorial Day and she has been a great addition to our family!
- I’m a makeup junkie. My Beauty Talk Series is my favorite subject to write and post on The Teacher Diva. I get excited and often have to cut back several sentences of my copy because it can be too long!
- On that note, I worked at a beauty salon in high school and during summers while I was in college. It was the coolest job. I got to attend education classes on skincare and makeup ingredients, try and test new products, and hear about the latest and greatest products in the beauty industry. In college, I would bring my roommates nail polish, product samples and would often practice giving facials or makeovers. It was so much fun!
- Here at TTD, we are looking to expand our team. We are looking for a part time paid opportunity local in North Dallas. We are looking for someone who is hardworking, highly organized, creative and located in North Dallas. If you or someone you know is interested, please submit your resume to theteacherdiva@gmail.com with RESUME in the subject line. If you have a stylish instagram or pinterest, please include that in your email!
- I have two brothers, Mark who is 28 and Drake who is 16. Yes, big age difference right? 🙂
- My love language is Words of Affirmation and Gifts. It’s ok to have two right? If you haven’t read The 5 Love Languages I highly suggest it! Austin and I are working on a post for that now that will come out later this month!
- Austin and I will be married 5 years on March 24th! It’s crazy to me how fast time has flown by. 🙂
- If we get another French Bulldog we will name her Ethel or Riki. Well, that’s my vote anyway. Austin isn’t so sure! Haha
- I graduated from Harding University with my bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s degree in Education with an emphasis in reading literacy.
- My go-to Starbucks drink is a Venti Iced Macchiato with 2 pumps SF Vanilla, 2% Milk and Light Caramel Drizzle. I think it’s similar to a Skinny Caramel Macchiato but they usually add more pumps of syrup. So if you don’t like it as sweet, then try it with 2 pumps SF Vanilla.
- My ideal trip is going to the beach! Some of my favorite spots are Seaside and Cabo.
- Speaking of trips, Austin and I have been talking about making another trip to Europe this Spring or early Summer. Nothing is set in stone, but it’s on our radar. Any suggestions? We are thinking Paris and London. Austin has mentioned wanting to visit Switzerland and I was thinking Venice.
- I got stung by a jelly fish on our honeymoon in St. Lucia. It was the size of a contact, but it hurt! Our snorkel guide was named “No Problem” (thats what he said his name was so we had to all him that) and I remember shouting (and screaming) over the waves, “Mr. No Problem, we have a problem!” That’s the last time I snorkeled.
- Every year on Austin’s birthday I make him a cake. The first 3 years of our relationship I tried really hard to make him the best chocolate cake. But not just any cake. A layered, dark chocolate cake with milk chocolate icing and of course chocolate sprinkles. And unfortunately every year they don’t turn out quite as planned. Our favorite memory was when I threw Austin a party for his 25th birthday. All of his friends came over to my tiny apartment and I had this 3 layered cake with sparkler candles. It looked great and very “pinterest worthy” if I do say so myself. Well, we sang Austin Happy Birthday and I started cutting into the cake. I guess two of the layers didn’t quite cook all the way through and I just melted into goo right before our eyes. Austin was so worried I was going to get upset so him and all of his friends started eating it right away. It was terrible and did not taste good. I love those guys for doing that even though I told them several times they did not have to eat it! Now, we stick to Sprinkles as a back up. 🙂
- My favorite TV show was Gossip Girl. My good friend Jen (on my snapchat yesterday) introduced it to me a year and a half ago! I’ve watched the entire season twice since then.
- When I was 16, I went to LA to record a CD at a local studio. Not sure what my “end goal” was for that because I definitely did not try to pursue a singing career. I am mortified of that thing now and haven’t even let Austin listen to it.
- At one point, I owned over 150 bottles of OPI and Essie nail polish. When I worked at the salon, they would give them to us for a penny at Christmas. Crazy right? Over the years I collected quite the collection.
- We have spent the past year working on our rebrand. Many of you know that I am moving away from the name The Teacher Diva and changing our name to something more focused on where we are now and want to be in the future. We are very excited, nervous and anxious about this process. We plan to launch later in 2017.
- My senior year of college I was on the homecoming court. I did not win queen, but it was still an exciting experience!
- Austin proposed to me on the beach July 23rd, 2011 at sunrise. It was such a sweet moment!
- My go-to karaoke song is Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood.
- I will pick gummy bears over chocolate any day. Austin and I always joke about how lobsters hold claws for life (at least that’s what Phoebe says in Friends, remember?) and he gave me gummy lobsters and roses for my birthday when he picked me up from the airport. He’s a keeper!
…And that’s it! Thank you all for the birthday wishes and love! xx Ashley
Happy Birthday Ashley! I can vouch for just how many 1st graders fell in love with you!
I love following your blog, and wish you continued success!
Happy Birthday Ashley❤❤❤ I have loved your website this past year and having you share your life with us. May the Lord bless you. Looking forward to another great year.
Loved GG as well! And that’s super interesting about Disneyland vs. Disneyworld! As a California girl, I always preferred Disneyworld because I felt like there was more to do!
xo, Sofia
I just started following you and the name caught my attention because I was a teacher for 18 years, now an administrator, but teacher is what I will always be considered due to all the people I taught in my small town. Glad I found before you changed your name, may never have caught my attention. I wanted to suggest Germany for your trip. I married the son of a German immigrant who is still blessed to have many family members in Germany. Deaden is a must, as is the Bavarian region and also Berlin…..I could go on and on. You will not be dissappointed! Also, I have two Frenchies, Angus (9 years old) and Bull (7 months old) They are the sweetest quirky little guys ever! Looking forward to following your blog. Happy Birthday! The thirties are great!
Happy happy birthday!! Friday was actually my birthday too (29!) so it’s fun to have another birthday twin 🙂 hope your day was wonderful!! Xo
I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Love the post and happy happy Birthday!!!!! My husband and I went to Switzerland as part of our honeymoon and it was AMAZING. We went to Italy, Germany and Switzerland and although Italy was fabulous, Switzerland was our favorite! I highly recommend Lucerne!!
This was so fun to read!
1. I had no idea you were born in Louisiana! Me too! Outside of New Orleans, Metairie.
22. I totally understand this. I did something similar for Taylor’s birthday a few years ago when trying to make macarons for the first time…FAIL.
26. I’m very excited about this!!!
Hope you had a splendid birthday!
Also…my vote for your next Europe trip is Spain. I’ve been a few times, including on our honeymoon to Madrid.