Long-time followers will know that I like to rotate a few luxury handbags throughout my closet. And if you’ve asked me about this before, you know my number one tip for buying designer bags is to go the pre-loved route.
Let’s be real though—luxury handbags can get expensive regardless. But selling a bag that I don’t wear often means an opportunity to reinvest that money into another bag. I sometimes have to remember my own advice—if you haven’t worn it in awhile, it’s probably worth selling.
But let’s talk purchasing. Some of the most sought after pre-owned purchases are for Chanel handbags. So today, I put together some advice for those who are considering a vintage Chanel handbag. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Shopping pre-loved luxury does require some effort, but thanks to StockX, they do all the work for you. A few months ago, I was introduced to StockX, the first live stock market for buying and selling high demand luxury goods. It’s pretty neat because they give you real-time market data for intelligent buying and selling. They also provide historical pricing data so there is complete transparency when purchasing. This was a big one for me! I typically spend hours price matching and have been known to create a spreadsheet (I guess Austin is rubbing off on me) comparing bags and prices. They also guarantee all of their products to be 100% authentic which makes it easy for you to trust that you are getting what you pay for.
Out of all the sites I’ve used, StockX has the largest Chanel selection and updates their inventory daily.
A question I often see, is “How do you know which designer bag to buy? I’m worried it’s too trendy.” Chanel has always been my first choice when it comes to handbags. It’s a true classic! Not to mention it’s one of the few designers that holds its value after several years (you can check this data in the StockX by selecting “View all sales” and adjust the timeline accordingly). My dream bag has always been the Chanel Vintage Single Flap Quilted Maxi. It’s large enough to fit all of my everyday necessities and will even hold my notepad or planner.
I’ve honestly never received more DMs over a handbag than this one. Per your request, I will be doing a full review over this style later this month. Because this is vintage, I would suggest reaching out to StockX and see if they can hunt one down for you. You can also submit a product request if you have a specific style in mind (that they don’t currently have available) and they will work with you to find that exact handbag.
Curious about the buying process? Let me break it down for you. There are two ways to shop on StockX. When you find your desired bag, you have the option of one of these buying methods:
1. BUY — If you like the price, you can buy the item for the Lowest Ask price and the bag is yours. Simple as that. The Lowest Ask price is the price that the seller has set and will accept immediately.
2. BID — Alternatively, you can place a new bid on the handbag. The bid must be higher than the current Highest Bid price. When you submit a new bid, the seller can accept or reject your offer. If the seller accepts your new bid, the transaction is initiated. This can take a few minutes or a few days depending on the seller.
I can’t express how impressed I was with StockX. You guys know I have purchased bags from other resell sites, but I really appreciate the transparency with StockX. And, their selection is huge! I can immediately see how much an item has sold for in the past. I checked the current value of some of my other bags and it’s neat to see how they have increased or decreased in value since I purchased them.
My Chanel Vintage Single Flap Quilted Maxi came with original tags (detached but stored in the interior pocket), authenticity card and original dustbag. The bag was was nearly flawless. I have never seen a pre-loved bag kept in such pristine condition.
What is your dream bag? xx Ashley
CHANEL Single Flap Maxi c/o | Tan Vest ( Such a great piece, can’t wait to wear this more in the spring. Fit: TTS) | AG Jeans | Hat | Black Turtleneck | Sunglasses (these are the ones I just featured on my instagram stories) | Pinky Ring (Austin got me this for Christmas… I am smitten! Fit: I am wearing a sz 4 and got the script monogram) | The Fix Pointed Toe Mule (love these shoes! Fit: TTS) | Lipstick Color: “No.7”
This post is created in partnership with StockX. All opinions and selections are my own.
Great post! x
Hi Ewa,
Thank you so much for your comment! Have a wonderful weekend. xx, Ashley
I look forward to your posts and love finding ways to incorporate your style with my own. I have to smile, being in Ohio with a foot of snow and single digit weather, it’s hard to imagine ever being able to wear open mules again 🙂 Come on, Spring!
Thank you so much for your kind comment! I can’t even imagine how cold it is in Ohio! It’s been pretty chilly here (nothing compared to Ohio!), in the 30s-40s most days, so I’m hoping for Spring to come soon too! xx, Ashley
I’ve never heard of StockX before but that’s interesting on what it offers. I’d love to get a pre-owned Chanel bag.
Hi Deasy,
Thank you so much for your comment and feedback! Really glad I could share with you a possible way to get your dream Chanel bag! xx, Ashley
I want a designer bag so desperately and I always forget about buying “pre-loved.” I look forward to pursuing StockX and hopefully finding something I love!
xoxo Logan
Hi Logan,
I mostly only purchase pre-loved designer bags and haven’t been disappointed! I’d love to hear about which bag you choose when that time comes! xx, Ashley
Checked this site out when you posted on instagram and already found a Chanel I NEED! <3
Hi Hayley,
Haha so glad you found something you love! xx, Ashley
Hello Asley. I’ve just found your cardigan on french Amazon website because impossible to have a delivery in france from amazon us. Here is the link in case someboby needs it : https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B078KHKPLW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I bought it in grey…:o)
Hi Isabelle,
Thank you so much for sharing this link! I hope you enjoy your new cardigan. Have a great day! xx, Ashley