You guys know better than anyone that I like to spend time researching handbags before making a new purchase. It’s very rare that I will go into the store and purchase a brand new designer bag. Instead, I’ve come to enjoy the process of searching the web for the best vintage or pre-loved handbags at a better price. But with that, comes a little extra work on your end — researching and verifying authenticity just to name a few. But thanks to eBay, who recently launched eBay Authenticate, this makes shopping for pre-loved luxury handbags easy and allows you to buy with total confidence knowing your bag is 100% authentic. This is huge!
I’m often asked about my favorite brands and without a doubt, Celine is my number one. No matter what “season” or style you pick from, the brand is classic and timeless — which is pretty much everything I want in my wardrobe. I’ve always loved the style of the Celine Ring Bag and when I saw it on eBay Authenticate I knew I could buy with confidence and get the quality bag I was expecting for a price that fits my budget. And over 69% of eBay listings ship for free! If you don’t find that bag you’ve been looking for on eBay Authenticate, don’t worry – they are regularly replenishing their selection of pre-authenticated goods, so check back often.
My very first Celine, the Micro Luggage Tote, was purchased on eBay back in 2013 and to this day I continue to look at eBay when in the market for a “new to me” handbag. Not to mention Austin has had his account since 2003, but his focus is more on computer parts and that kind of stuff, not as fun as handbags in my opinion though.
A few of my favorite styles currently listed on eBay Authenticate:
Chanel Drawstring Shoulder Bag
Prada Cameo Pink Saffiano City
Goyard Multicolor Coated Wallet
Chanel Medium Classic Flab Chain Shoulder Bag
I filmed a little unboxing that I will be sharing on my Instagram stories later today, so be sure to check it out if you want to see how it’s packaged when you order from eBay Authenticate.
Happy Shopping! xx Ashley
This post is created in partnership with eBay. All opinions are my own!
Images by Beckley Life Styled
OMG this is HUGE. I was always so afraid to purchase on eBay, but love that they launched this!
The Champagne Edit
Yes, I was thrilled to see this feature! And the pricing is very competitive so I feel like we are getting the best deal. xx AR
Love your outfit! 😉
Thank you! Xo
love you jumpsuit. can you post a link where to buy it
Hi! Sure. Link is here:
Are you holding a small or medium ring bag in your post?
Hi there! This is the medium! xx