Ever since launching our Lesson’s Learned Series, we’ve been getting more and more questions over entrepreneurial and blogging topics. Which is honestly amazing because we have been so excited about this series. It makes me feel like a teacher again. Whether it’s consulting with other aspiring entrepreneurs or speaking at various marketing tech conferences, it’s inspiring to see how many women are wanting to become their own boss. However, there’s been one question that continues to pop up: “How Do You Know When To Take Your Blog (or business) Full Time?”. Ah — kind of a loaded question, right? But extremely valid and one worth discussing. So here’s my take.
Honestly, there’s no right answer to this question. With starting any business or venture, there will always be risk. But with risk, comes reward. What is important is how you manage that risk.
When I started The Teacher Diva back in 2012, it was a hobby. Blogs weren’t quite what they are today and influencer marketing wasn’t even something people were talking about. It took a while to get things moving — which is a great reminder that success doesn’t just happen overnight. I worked on my blog for nearly 3 years before considering leaving my full-time job. I sat down with my dear friend Katey Hellman, founder and creator of Chronicles of Frivolity, who started her blog nearly 5 years ago. She worked on her blog 2 years before taking the full-time leap. Katey told us that:
Taking your business full time is always exciting and terrifying all at once. When I could comfortably predict the next 6 months of my salary, I felt ready. Knowing your expenses is just as important as predicting your income. — Katey Hellman of Chronicles of Frivolity
For Katey, six months of salary predictions weren’t the result of some magic formula. Instead, it was an understood and accepted risk. While she might not have been able to comfortably predict her salary by next year, six months was enough time to test the waters. And if the risk paid off, great! If not, she had prepared enough time to make the necessary changes.
For you, it’s important to determine what your comfortable risk is. Do you have a history of income to back up your claim? What’s your plan for worst case scenario? These are all questions you have to ask yourself as a business owner.
What do you think? And if you are a blogger, have you considered taking your blog full time? Weigh in below!
xx Ashley
Kendra Scott Diane Statement Earrings in ‘Ivory Mother of Pearl’ c/o | Kendra Scott Reagan Cocktail Ring in ‘Gold’ c/o | Kendra Scott Olive Long Gold Necklace c/o | Kendra Scott Platinum Drusy Decorative Geode c/o | Kendra Scott Large Decorative Box in ‘Iridescent Drusy’ c/o | Banana Republic Parker-Fit Silk Boyfriend Tunic ‘Black’ | The Miracle Cube Timer | Gallery Leather Large Monthly Planner | CND Shellac Nail Polish in ‘Romantique’ | Buxom Va-Va-PUMP Liquid Lipstick in ‘Feel The Passion’ | Tuscan Moroccan Rug | Desk | Chair | “Take Note” Notebook
Swim Print | Baby Fern Print | Green Apple Print | Ahoy Wall Art | Melt Wall Art Vintage Deer Antlers| (these take a while to ship, but worth the wait!) | Hair Bun Art | The Humble Egg Print | Weathered Wall Art (I have the color “Slate”)
Images by Mary Hafner
Great post! x
Thank you! Have a great weekend. Xo
I’ve thought about going full-time a lot! I’m currently a full-time account and my brain is wired to think financially haha so the risk of fluctuating paychecks and no benefits are what keep stopping me. I’m also not married yet and think that maybe once I am and we have at least one “stable” paycheck coming in, it will give me the confidence to go for it!
How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com
Full-time accountant**
I’m such a fan of your instagram and social media. Your one of the reasons i’ve decided to blog full time and honestly I have along way to go. If possible I would love it if you incorporate helpful tips more often for new bloggers on here that would be awesome!!!
Much Love
i’m such a fan yoursicial media