When I think about my journey to motherhood, I can’t help but smile and feel overwhelmed with gratitude. Though getting here wasn’t easy for us, it gives me goosebumps to know that my due date falls on Mother’s Day 2019. Isn’t that wild?
Mother’s Day has always been a big holiday for us. I am thankful to celebrate the wonderful women in my life: my mom, 3 grandmothers and my mother-in-law. I am grateful that I have women in my life who are a good influence, strong yet nurturing and have always made me feel loved and valued.
One thing my mom always taught me was the value of being prepared. Whether that’s planning ahead, having a back-up plan or keeping organized, my mom was always on top of it. And if things didn’t go as planned (like they always do) my mom handled it with grace and encouraged us to do the same.
As an almost new mom, I now find her advice even more valuable. They say there’s really no way to be 100% prepared for a baby, but Austin and I want to do everything we can to try and be as ready as possible. We’ve been taking some childbirth classes, meeting with a Doula and when we went on our recent hospital tour, they mentioned it was time to start getting the hospital bags ready “just in case”.
I ordered these bags from Mark and Graham a few weeks ago and figured they would be perfect for our hospital bags. They have the best gifts and many of these would make for perfect Mother’s Day gifts (the Daily Leather Zip Pouch is one of the best organizers for your work bag or baby bag).
Our hospital bags, however, are still empty as I’m clueless about what I really need. It’s a little overwhelming!
I have to ask you, what is something you were so glad (or wished) you brought with you to the hospital that I should include in our bags? Please please don’t hold back! Bonus points if it’s free shipping.
Thanks so much for your help xx Ashley
PS: If you are a mom-to-be or just needing some good travel bags, I am hosting a little giveaway on Instagram today! Be sure to check it out so you can win all of these bags featured from Mark and Graham.
Product Details
Concourse Boarding Bag (two sizing options available, I have the large and small) | Daily Leather Zip Pouch | Daily Leather Mini Roll | Dual Travel Organizer |
This post is written in collaboration with Mark and Graham. All opinions and selections are my own.
If you are really picky about something, maybe pack the solution to that preference? Minimal packing definitely served us well. A few items I recall being grateful for were a refreshing lip balm, an extra long phone-charger, 2 sleep/lounge wear outfits for Dad, a casual outfit for him greeting family/inevitable photos ops, a good maternity bra and robe for me, a swaddle/blanket for any photos you wanted there, and the coming home outfit for myself and baby. Really besides your essential toiletries, makeup, underthings, and tech gear, we didn’t use anything else we brought.
Agee with these!
Thank you! xx
Maybe also ask a friend who delivered where you plan to for exactly what to bring. My hospital provided everything from essential oils, to bath salts, nice postpartum care items (+2 weeks worth to take home), slippers, Halo swaddles for baby, etc. What you need may depend on your provider:)
Hi There,
Thank you so much- this is amazing advice and I appreciate it greatly!
xx, Ashley
Not the most appealing answer but you will need depends (yes, like the disposable underwear). Just being honest! You’re going to do great mama!
YES TO THIS. The hospital will give you some, but they are huge and uncomfortable. Bring your own.
Hi Kat, This is great info- thank you so much!
xx, AR
Hi Jenna,
Thank you for these honest recommendations and for your sweet words! I appreciate it!
xx, AR
Would also want to add a diffuser or something to help you relax. Our hospital let us bring diffusers or fake candles and at first I thought that was a bit much but I was SO glad I had them.
Wow, that is a great idea! Thank you for sharing! xx
I’m sure you already have this but a couple going home outfit options. We packed one and then our baby girl spit up on it before we could take a picture in it! I would just pack an extra to be safe.
Hi Rachel,
Such a great idea! Thank you so much! xx, Ashley
If you want real answers (which I think you do) you need to get a healing spray for down there. Yes, I know. Not trying to scare you but you will want something to help numb things once baby is here. They have one you can use at the hospital but there’s also some good natural ones out there too.
Hands down, the best thing we threw in the hospital bag (outside of the obvious stuff) was our hatch baby white noise machine/night light. It was so clutch for drowning out hospital hallway noise, and providing some ambient light for nighttime that was not as harsh as hospital lighting. Good luck!!!
Hi Michelle,
Wow, thank you for sharing! That is a great recommendation that I had not thought of!
xx, AR
This is such an exciting time, knowing that in a few hours you will hold a new person that will claim your hearts…you won’t even remember what was good or useful in your bag, your hearts will be too full! Prayers for a safe delivery and prayers for the journey your little one will make to your arms that day!
Hi Lynn,
Aww, this awfully sweet and so true! Thank you for your love, support, and kind words!
XO, Ashley
My own towel, pillow, robe and hairdryer. I was forewarned my hospital’s towels were like sandpaper. I am so glad I had these, I ended up with a C-section so that was a minimum of 2 nights plus my one night for the induction. Agree with the other suggestions for long cord charger for your phone. I liked having my own snacks ready to go too. The other thing I brought was my daughter’s baby book. There were pages in there to get her handprints and footprints, and the nurses took care of that for me. Very sweet. Congratulations!!
Hi Michelle,
This is amazing– I will definitely be using this advice! So many great recommendations, thank you again!
xx, AR
I just had my baby this past Friday 😄. I packed a ton and ended up using very little. I would recommend comfy sweats, slippers, thermal button down tops (if you plan to breast feed), nursing bras, easy to use (zip or Velcro) swaddles for baby, and a few cute outfits for the baby. At the hospital where we delivered, a photographer came around and took newborn baby pics that you could purchase if you wanted to. It was good to have a few cute baby outfits for that. Also, favorite snacks for post delivery and reading material or access to Netflix because labor can take a while.
You bag collection is very good. I really like it.
Thank you so much! xx