Early on in my pregnancy Austin and I started researching “baby registry must-haves” and asking our friends what they used and loved. It was an exciting time but also overwhelming — there’s just SO much stuff out there.
Now that we are 7 weeks into parenthood, we’ve been able to test out many of the gifts we received from our registry and realized things we should have registered for. I’ve included our top 10 registry picks below and details on how we use them.
I know a lot of you are new moms or planning your registry, Walmart makes it so easy with their brand new baby registry. They carry premier baby brands that we use and love. Not to mention they have a very generous return policy in case you change your mind or realize you don’t need something like you thought you did (trust me – it will happen). Austin and I have learned that so much of this is trial and error, but hopefully this gives you a good start on your registry.
Please leave a comment below and let me know what your #1 must-have item is!
We have a two story house, and one of the tips that our friends (and you guys) recommended was to get an extra changing pad or “changing station” downstairs so we aren’t having to run up for every diaper change. Several told us about the Keekaroo and we love it. The changer does not require pads or sheets as the surface is easy to wipe clean and it’s made to withstand bacterial growth.
The hospital actually gave us one of these and we ended up buying a few more because let’s face it, accidents happen and you can’t always do laundry right then and there. We registered for several different velcro swaddles but ended up loving the Halo Sleep Sack and the Happiest Baby Sleep Sack.
George was too small for this at first, but now that he has a little more neck and head control, we’ve been able to test this out. I just couldn’t figure out the wrap carriers, and this one by BabyBjörn is incredibly easy and comfortable. Highly recommend for travel (we will use this when we go to the airport in a few weeks) or anytime you don’t want to get the stroller out.
These aren’t the easiest to clean, BUT they are really great for reducing gas, colic and mimic the real deal. My sister in law is a prenatal nurse and spoke really highly of these. The only downside is sometimes ours leak, but once we tighten the lid, it seems to be fine.
This is by far the easiest way to wash and care for your bottles. We also have the twig accessory which is nice for lids and bottle nipples.
Being a new parent, I have been so fearful that I wouldn’t have the supplies or tools on hand when George gets sick. The Fridababy products are THE BEST. They also have a ton of videos on how to use the products on their site and Walmart carries all of their top selling products.
Fortunately, we have not had to use this much, but when we have, it’s easy to use and gets the job done.
This is by far one of our favorite products on this list and one we forgot to add to our registry. We only made it two nights before running to Walmart and picking this up. Often white noise machines are bulky, but this one offers a super minimal design that doesn’t compromise your decor. It also has several different “white noise” sounds and volume options. It also allows you to set an hour timer or let it run continuously. Highly recommend!
This bassinet has been a lifesaver these first couple of months before we transition George into his crib. I actually don’t use the battery operated functions like I thought I would, so you could easily get away with the Essential Sleeper.
I knew I wanted something functional but also took up minimal space in our nursery. This one is nice because it doesn’t require special bags and will hold up to 55 newborn diapers. It also has a rubber seal that helps reduce odor.
A few other noteworthy mentions:
Baby Swing (we waited a little while before introducing him to the swing but he absolutely loves it!)
Baby Wipes (we’ve tried so many and these are our favorite)
Nursery Recliner (we love this recliner! The back is high enough that you head can rest on it and it is very comfortable. We opted for the cream and love how it looks with our neutral nursery.)
This post is written in collaboration with Walmart. All opinions and selections are my own!
You look amazing. I’m following you. Thanks.
Thank you so much! xx
Please, don’t use a baby forehead thermometer. I’m a pediatrician. We need accurate rectal temperatures in infants. Forehead thermometers are highly inaccurate and you can miss a very important fever, which might be the ONLY symptom of severe illness in a baby until they basically crash.
Hi there! So scary. It seems like we received conflicting information. Our pediatrician and hospital nurses actually recommended we don’t use a rectal thermometer at home. Our pediatrician recommended this forehead one for us to use. I’ll be sure to ask again at our 2 month apt. Thank you for your feedback!
I might be biased as I am a pediatric intensivist and work only in the hospital environment, but none of the data regarding fevers under 2 months of age are based on anything other than rectal temps, and the AAP recommends rectal temps. I don’t have any pediatrician friends who recommend forehead temps in babies, that isn’t standard of care in the US.
A forehead thermometer is ok at older ages when the presence or absence of a fever isn’t quite as important (under 1 month it is a mandatory lumbar puncture and admission, at 1-2 months it is at least an admit, not always LP). We only say to NOT do rectal temps in cases of immune deficiency actually, such as cancer undergoing chemo.
I felt the need to explain all of that. 🙂 I agree with all of your other recs, and baby George is a cutie!!
Thank you for sharing these must-haves! One question regarding your bassinet—I know you’ve mentioned you also use a Moses basket. Which do you think you’ve used more with George? I think the Moses baskets are beautiful but feel like the halo may be more practical/long lasting. Any thoughts? My baby’s due this Fall and I’m trying to figure out which to go with.
Congratulations! 100% the Halo. My mom and dad got us the Moses basket for me to use in my office, but it’s become more of a decorative piece for the nursery. It’s adorable, but in terms of use, it doesn’t get much attention.
xx AR