I know every mom says time goes by so fast, but my gosh it’s so true. George just turned 9 months and I feel like it was just yesterday that he was born. Crazy. Anyways, here’s a shortlist of our most used items for George. A lot of these we started implementing when he was 7/8 months, but he’s really enjoying them now.
This Play Pen and his black high chair are my most talked about recommendations. We researched a ton before buying these. I wanted something sturdy, packable (unfortunately, the high-chair does not fold up), and not a huge eyesore (although all of this stuff kinda kills your design vibe if we’re being honest). This Play Pen holds up really well when it’s clicked together. The only downside is the door is weird and it’s definitely not easy to fold up and travel with. Other than that though, we really like it.
Since we are getting into summer, this stroller fan is also a must. We used it alllll the time last year. Also, if you are looking to stay organized and not tote around a huge diaper bag, these plastic zip pouches (I have size small and medium) are the best. You know I love my truffle bags, but for diapers and bottle stuff — these are much better.
What is something your baby is enjoying right now? xx Ashley
baby walker // footed jammies (these are thick but breathable and really nice quality — we love them) // white sneakers // formula mix bottle (the best bottle when traveling or on the go) // stroller fan // Pinxav (this diaper balm is legit — a little goes a long way and it clears everything up FAST) // play pen // zipper pouches // play mat // singing elephant // wooden stacker toy
Hi there, firstly George looks cute as a button. He’s adorable! Also, thanks for your suggestions dear. My daughter is going to turn 8 next month and I keep getting lost when deciding what to buy and what not to. Your ideas are great!
Aw~ Love your choices~ This is so cute!
im not pregnant or have a baby but I bought those plastic bags when you first posted them and I LOVE THEM! They are so good for travel