This year has been incredibly fast — I honestly can’t believe George is one (actually 14 months, but you get the idea). I wanted to share some updates and answer questions I get asked often.
He is in the 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight. He is really long and already in 18month clothes. The men in our family are all 6’3 so I have a feeling he’s going to be tall too!
George started eating solid foods around 4 months. Honestly, I was very nervous about it and so worried about choking. We took an infant CPR and a Pediatric First Aid class, but still, this mama had some anxiety about it.
We started with purees (we loved the Once Upon a Farm pouches) and now he eats only solid food. We love these plates because they stick really well to the high chair and divide everything nicely (easy to clean too).
A typical meal would be cut up banana, steamed broccoli, and grilled chicken or turkey. We give him 3oz of milk for breakfast in a sippy cup and then water or juice for other meals. Food hasn’t been an issue for us because this boy LOVES to eat. We actually have to portion everything out because he could just eat and eat. He loves it. Which is also making me worry for teenage years…ha!
He gets a bottle at bedtime with milk. We are trying to ditch the bottle and this one has been a good transition for us.
We start our bedtime routine (brush teeth, bath, book, bottle) around 7:30p and lights out around 8:00p. He will sleep through the night and wake up at 7:30a. He takes two 1 hour naps during the day, but he is starting to act like he’s ready for the one “big nap”. So I think that is our next step…one afternoon nap for 2 hours.
We swear by this sleep sack. It’s worth every penny — the zipper never gets stuck, its perfect year-round and it’s easy to clean.
George started walking the week before his first birthday. We were so excited but also had to do some rearranging with the baby gates…ha. This baby play yard is worth every penny (if you have the room, opt for the 8 panel) and still gives him plenty of room to run around.
George started babbling last month and has said dada and mama. It was such an exciting moment to hear those words!
He has 8 teeth right now and we can see a couple more popping through.
We love the Lovevry toys. I got a subscription at my baby shower and they are incredible. Created by teachers, each activity or toy has a purpose to help with child development and problem solving. George loves them too!
We also are big fans of the ball pit, blow-up pool, name puzzle, and stacking rings. I have more of our must-haves linked in this post , and in his 5 Month Update .
Such a cutie pie🥰